"Hey" says George Lucas, "People love Jedi's and lighsabres, so, wouldn't it be cool to see the best Jedi, Yoda, having a lazer sword fight!" (even though this goes against the entire established physical and mental characteristics of Yoda established in ESB & RotJ)
and the desire to cram into the sequels everything that anyone ever associated with Star Wars iconic moments (Star Destroyer, crashed on Tattoine, Millenium Falcon, AT-AT etc)
GOT S7E6 might as well have had Jon fall into the ice hole, with a hundred baddies clawing at him, only for him to ping out on waterskiis and leap over a Great Wight Shark.
Jon isn't going to die in this episode, not when they've gone to such lengths to keep him alive. Ditto Tormund, Jorah, and the other ones. Them f**king flame swords are getting a bit lightsabrey too, they love to crack that effect out again and again.
If you've not already seen the Plinkett Star Wars prequel reviews, I can vouch for them. Devestating critique of storytelling, scripting and film-making when those in control lose control and sight of what made the story compelling in the first place.
Posted By: MIKEWALKER, Aug 21, 10:16:15
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