Frewns - GoT S7E4 spoilers

Old Man Rating: 9.0001356

Minus a point for shortness - though as Arya showed size most definitely isn't everything. Which as a 6'3" man is concerning.

Loved all the Winterfell stuff. Bran was spot on - Meera was right, he did die in that cave, and I felt so bad for her. In the books I think it's him that has a crush on her but here at the very least, after everything, she deserved something more heartfelt than what was available. Bran wasn't being callous - that's all he can feel just now, and probably for the rest of his life.

Also loved Bran quoting "chaos is a ladder" to Littlefinger, which suitably freaked him out - and indeed the way he gave the dagger to Arya. She will Do Something with it - he knows what but isn't saying. Also loved Arya and Brienne sparring, and Sansa's reaction/realisation that Arya wasn't kidding about her kill list. I also liked the second Sansa/Arya hug - more heartfelt from Arya than the first one.

Intrigued that the gold was delivered - I wasn't expecting it to be - and that the Golden Company (a mercenary army from the books) was mentioned. I'm guessing they will replace all the soldiers that just got fried extra crispy. I'd thought the Iron Bank might swap allegiances once the gold train was destroyed (but it wasn't destroyed, so I was wrong about all of that).

The Bronn-Jaime dynamic was perfect, as was Dickon saving Jaime in the battle despite Jaime's disrespectful treatment of him earlier. I'm still not clear if Bronn or Dickon saved Jaime (and yes of course he lives).

Loved the battle, brutal as it was, though I couldn't help thinking of Smaug a bit when that crossbow stuff was going on. I did wonder if Bronn would die this episode - fan favourite but expendable, though part of me hopes he makes it to the very end. I imagine Tarly Major is dead but Dickon lived, though that's pure supposition on my part.

Didn't love the evident sexual tension between Jon and Dany - frankly that's lazy plotting.

Still wondering about Missandei and if she will betray Dany to protect Grey Worm (or at the least to do something she thinks might protect him). And I'd have cheered if Jon had decked Theon - though I think Theon has a major Thing To Do before this is all done (probably dies saving Yara from Euron, or some such).

I worry that "when he sees you his heart will stop" foreshadows Jon's death (maybe for good this time); I'm convinced one of the dragons will die this season, though probably not Drogon (and would love it if it became an Ice Dragon...)

As last week, though it was another amazing episode and each storyline had space to breathe, everything feels very linear and straightforward - no twists and little nuance. I guess that's inevitably but GoT did nuance so brilliantly.

Three episodes left. Can't wait.

Posted By: Old Man, Aug 7, 03:17:47

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