Premier Fantasy League

Shameless plug - I have done this league for the last 3 years, we normally get about 70 entrants with prizes paid out to the top 6. Half of the entry fee goes to It's On the Ball which is a local testicular cancer charity set up by a couple of friends of mine. Anyway, get involved :) A few of them are also scum fans which makes things quite amusing...

Join here : User Posted Link

It's On The Ball Fantasy Football League 2017/2018

Ever thought you could do a better job than the current Premiership managers.

Create your own virtual squad based on current players.
Success depends on results in the real-life Premier League. £10 entry for the season - £5 charity donation and £5 goes into the winnings pot .
Payments places will be top 6!

league number . 500253-118856
Account number to pay in --- is part of league name

Posted By: Waz, Jul 17, 14:48:44

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