Actually, (sorry Tombs) I think it's not too bad to have the odd political chat on here now and then. The fact that we are a community, of sorts, with a variety of opinions both wrong and right (yes, I know) keeps it from being too homogenised. I tend to know what my other social media timelines will tell me - maybe it's the dreaded echo chamber - and tend to unfollow t**ts. Being as I can't unfollow (ignore isn't a viable option) anyone on here it keeps it a bit more real and I get to see what the other side thinks, even if I don't like it or it's rubbish. It may not have changed my mind about anything but it has informed me, which can't be a bad thing. And we've all posted rubbish before. I don't mind that, personally.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Call me an idiot if you like.
Posted By: APB, Jun 15, 23:42:11
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