rammed birdbox with a cordless electric drill riles the uppity little f**kers right up. I donned my PPE and tucked my jeans into my socks and climbed up the ladder with my drill and a bit of rag and a screwdriver. shoved the rag in the birdbox hole and started to undo the screw that held the birdbox up. all f**kern five of them ffs.
I got the thing off and shoved it in a cardboard box that I'd had the foresight to put by the ladder and taped the bugger up, shoved it in the car and driv off a couple of miles with the bees all riled up and me parping away in case they worked out how to put they shoulders to the wheel and shove the cloth out of the hole. got to the release area, took the birdbox out of the big box, sat it on the floor by the car door, held onto the rag and driv the f**k off shut the door quick sharp.
maddest thing i've done for years. 🐝
Posted By: Tombs, May 23, 21:57:17
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