"I think it was inevitable it was going to happen at some point. Ben has decided to do it a week early to allow the lads and the rest of the group to take it in.
It is difficult to see posters you enjoy posting alongside and people you enjoy reading, leaving. Personally it will be different not seeing them around. The board found out on the morning it was announced. I exchanged text messages with Jumbo and Mikey (SCC28) and there was surprise.
I think four or five of them had accepted they were leaving. Jumbo and Mikey, probably a little bit different. The others haven’t been involved much since they registered. They knew what was coming a while ago. I am sure they were prepared for that. Gelman and essexcanary need to ignite their careers. Someone like gelman has just got on with it and been brilliant around the place. He has been frustrated at times but he has never been a problem."
SCC's exit will be especially tough for Charles21, after the duo played a prominent role in the board's golden era, the 100 years war.
“I don’t want to single out the lads but SCC28 has been great,” he said. “Mikey, over the past 15 seasons for what he has done deserves a good send off. Norway has been my internet mate for a long time. A good friend. Old Git as well. I am sure there will be some more comings and goings.
“I don’t know if some of the decisions are down to the quality of posting. I am the wrong person to ask. I would be sure there are other factors that come into play. Ben has said he wants change to freshen things up. Repeating the same old posts over and over and over comes into it but that is not the only factor. People might benefit from a change of scenery.
“Tombs probably has not posted as much as he wanted over the past two years. I think both him and Dandy are in a strong position. They are a good age. Dandy should be entering his prime years and Tombs is not old for a troll.”
It is not going to be all plain sailing, you can’t expect that with a new style of board but look at what they did at the official site. It was gradual and people could see what was coming and stuck with it,” he said. “We are a different sized website to the pinkun, with our readership, the split screen, the people that post, but I believe we can emulate that and then it can be positive. Get back to what we were 20 years ago. I know for a fact readers of other sites hated coming here to read us.
I understand the cynicism this season and the scepticism for what could happen next year. Regardless of what you think buy into it and give the site, the board, Ben and the posters, new and old, a chance. If we do that and stick together we have a chance to create something special. Again.”
Charles21 is keen to heal the divisions inside and outside the site.
“When it was good, everyone was together,” he said. “I don’t even know if social media was about when we had those good times in the past. What I would say is this season is done now. I hope we finish on a high on Sunday, for the boys and girls leaving, we thank everyone and then come July it is a clean slate and everyone has to buy in to the new way. Including Jim. Otherwise it falls down on day one.
“Ben has decided to make a change, now we need the readers to back us from the start and from the first game at Carrow Road, whatever date, against whoever, let’s be together. Whether I am posting or not, here or not, that is what the site needs It is not about any individual because it is going to be really important next year.”
Posted By: Charles21, May 6, 11:00:49
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025