In the 1930s the Mail complained vociferously about all the Jewish refugees coming over, saying we were a small country and full and all of that, and shouldn't they stay and sort their own place out.
In the 2010s the Mail complains vociferously about all the Muslim refugees coming over, saying we're a small country and full and all of that, and shouldn't they stay and sort their own countries out.
In both cases we were at least complicit in creating the situation the refugees were fleeing from, and in both cases they are fleeing from fascism (Daesh is most certainly fascist).
Godwin's law relates to people arguing whether Justin Bieber is or is not totes on fleek, and someone saying that to say that he is or isn't is exactly the kind of thing Hitler would have done.
Drawing valid historical paralells is something quite different.
Posted By: Old Man, Mar 16, 10:31:52
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