Was sat in unusual seat very near the Ips**t fans yesterday

Up in the South Stand row LL
They are a funny bunch
1) they seemed genuinely happy about being in champ for 15 yrs
2) the sang "one bobby robson"
3) they did not know what was going on with the clapping at 15 mins
4) seemed obsessed in our apparent relationship with our sisters
5)did not like chap ahead for bursting 2 blue balloons
6) not keen on the (admittedly strange) woman dancing for them every time the sister song was sung
7) I don't really care, but they seemed a touch aggressive towards what was essentially around me a group of kids, oldies and people you would expect in south Stand

8) they look funny and smell of wee!

Posted By: admckechnie, Feb 27, 12:39:07

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