it's everything you might imagine it to be and more. blankets, picnics, flasks, werthers originals, harrrumphing old trumpeters in wax jackets and old boys conducting multiple toilet visits throughout the game, the occasional waft of "Tweed" perfume sometimes wafts through to add some unnecessary depth perception to the stultifying mindcrush of it all.
Recently though a new dynamic has been introduced into this very parochial cross section of Norfolkian society and it's brightened up my match day experience to the magnitude of ten twizzly massive screens.
We now have three rows in front of us our very own very angry ginger yoot. He's up out of his seat all big arms out full-on w**ker signs spouting vitriol at the linesman and oppo players and telling powder puff wingbacks to "get down the f**king gym you total f**king lightweight" which is the most beautiful irony given that he's about 9 stone wet through.
It's the best thing at Carrow Rd since Jerome scored in the play off semis.
Posted By: Tombs, Feb 18, 20:46:31
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