Hi all,
I'm quite wary of posting this, as it's crowdfunding, and I really don't want anyone to feel obliged to do anything basically. It's just, well... very urgent. As urgent as I can conceive of, at least.
My sister is chronically ill, and becoming more so by the day. She has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, mould poisoning, and other serious conditions too. It's the mould toxicity that's critical though: her whole body is poisoned, and has been for over a year now.
She can't stay at our parents' home because it triggers her symptoms. She's far, far too unwell to work, so cannot support herself. Mould poisoning is not recognised by most UK doctors, so getting disability support from the government is out too. She's spent the last year petsitting: looking after people's pets all over the UK while their owners have been away - but even that option's gone now, because her symptoms are deteriorating all the time. These now include regular nosebleeds, ringing and burning ears, ever worsening migraines and brain fog, heart palpitations (she's only 33)... and absolute, total exhaustion.
She knows from other mould poisoning victims that if she stays in the wrong environment (and by this, I mean the whole UK: damp, muggy, full of old builds with no proper insulation), her symptoms will become irreversible: and lead to first blindness, then death. But she also knows that in the right climate - hot and dry - she'll have a real chance of beginning to heal, so we've set up a campaign to help her move; and for this move to be long term.
Our parents, in over their heads financially, can't afford anything. I can, and will, but it's limited. I've been pretty amazed by how generous people have been: times are really tough for most, and I absolutely appreciate the concerns some have about crowdfunding in general. I'm emailing just about anyone I can think of and sharing her page all over the place, so I'm doing so here too. I hope people can understand why: her life, never mind her health, is at stake.
You can read more about her condition and her story here:
User Posted Link
If anyone is able to make a donation, fabulous - but it'd be just as useful if people can share her page via social media. As for that matter, would any advice re: ideal hot, dry climates (we're considering several at present), or the crowdfunding process itself be.
Here's the link again:
User Posted Link
Posted By: thebigfeller, Feb 18, 05:09:52
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