The season reviews I recall reading still had him marked as one with a bright future, and most here still thought he'd be able to do a decent job in the Champ and had the track record behind him.
All I'm saying is that back in the summer, it wasn't at all obvious that giving him a longer deal would turn out to be a monumentally daft decision. Just one with some obvious downside potential but equally plausible upside potential.
I also suspect that during that time, with McNally unexpectedly gone, there would have been an element of panic and firefighting mode and so faced with any uncertainty over the manager, there'd have been a strong temptation to tie up as many loose ends as possible and steady the ship, so if you have a manager making serious noises about leaving then you have to act.
The much, much bigger issue is that this pay-off is even an issue at all. That points to rather dicier finances than people want to believe - I still keep seeing people trumpeting the fact that we're debt-free etc.
Posted By: CWC, Dec 30, 10:57:38
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