In Disney. This one is making me feel sick more than the others. Rewarding failure with a £2million contract, when in my opinion he should've been sacked before we went down.
The lies,spin,football, results, rudderless leadership, head in sand,old fashioned,little England, matriarchal,be a good boy and behave,the emperor's new clothes,let's be aving you, promotion promotion promotion bollox,could obviously mean that some may want to say they've had enough. Who can blame them? However, we're not like that as Norwich fans. We have seen off others when we haven't liked what was happening and we'll do it again. Why?..Because the club will be here long after you,I and them have disappeared to the great snakepit it in the sky. OTBC
Posted By: berstreetsfinest, Dec 30, 09:02:15
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