Love! Too strong a word? You decide... (long.. sorry)

A ❤️ story for Christmas;

So, you're first introduced when you're young. You're impressionable and soon fall for the romance, excitement and newness of it all.

Suddenly the occasional visits become more regular, virtually every weekend. You're prepared to overlook the odd let down and disappointment because it's so good. You've never felt like this before and it's so enjoyable... most of the time. Life revolves around them.

Before you know where you are, you've committed to something more long term and it becomes serious. It's still all fresh and you visit new places together, perhaps even abroad once or twice. Life couldn't get much better, and you forgive the little annoyances and quirks because you care so much.

Then, after a few years, things have become a little stale. The first flush of excitement has passed and things become a little stale. There are still the occasional moments of shared ecstasy but but the let downs, the false promises and those 'quirks' have become major annoyances.

Perhaps a period of separation, you may even pay to see someone else once or twice, just for a change.. you're only human. But you can't stop thinking about them and you keep going back... again, and again... and again.
No matter what happens, how much they let you down, break your heart and keep you hanging on faint hopes, you're still there, hoping for a little passion.

Can you ever capture what you once had? Perhaps something needs to change? A fresh start, some of the old magic is rekindled and suddenly you can only remember everything good about them, the bad memories melt away. Oh this is what life should be, unbridled joy abounds.

But then it's just a shot-lived false dawn, the old sloppiness and bad habits creep back and your heart sinks once more. Why do You put up with it? You deserve better! But there's no way out, it's a bond that can never break, no matter how destructive the relationship has become. Quite simply you're smitten and, at times, taken advantage of because of your dedication and what's inside you.

That my friends is true love... a yellow and green love that will never die and you will take with you to your grave... and sometimes love is hard work! But it's the heartache and disappointment that make the sweetest of shared moments together some of your most treasure memories.

Long may it continue! On the ball City, I love you... you bastard!

Posted By: Worthing Yellow, Dec 22, 01:45:00

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