He is pointing out the contradiction inherent in her position (on the one hand, this is all about community, on the other hand, I don't give a s**t what the community actually thinks because I know far better)
I found the interview an absolutely great read and I do at last understand where the club currently stands as an institution. She doesn't care *that* much about being in the Prem, as long as the club is playing its part in the organic community. So giving the club a really rich owner would be good for her (sells shares for biggo dosho) and might be good for the club in some ways (short term anyway - bigger transfers, possibility of more footballing success) but (she thinks) bad for the club and the organic community in the long term
She's basically a reasonably benevolent dictator
Well, she owns it, she can run it how she sees fit. She certainly isn't running it down, that's for sure
The most depressing thing was to learn that we really ARE being stuck for the long run with Wee Tom the Snappy Snaps Man
Posted By: Old Git, Nov 5, 11:30:49
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