I believe there is a God.
I'm not religious, am not part of any religion and don't go to Church.
I just think/have a hunch that there is 'something else' out there. I don't think its a kindly looking man in a white beard for what its worth, it may not be 'humanoid' at all, it may be something more ethereal like, for example, 'the force' a'la Star Wars. But I'm not twisting myself up in knots trying to reason it out, it's there, its part of me and that's how it is.
Such thoughts do make me daft but I can cope with that. I have always said death is a win-win situation-if her there is something bigger and better after death, then great, bring it on...if there isn't, well, no-one is going to around to agonise about it anyway.
I'd never try to convert someone into my way of thinking. I'd never welcome an invitation to think any other way either. Surely faith, no faith, whatever, is a personal thing and choice?
Over elaborating it makes the whole thing a little shaky on its foundations for me. Its like saying "everything is going to be alright" when, deep down, it probably is'nt. Reassurance and self conviction. But if that makes people happy then...
It annoyes me when I read or hear statements like "...the Christian values of empathy and caring" -like 'they' invented it or it is an exclusive trait to Christians.
Just be who and what you want to be and let others be the same. And try to love, care and empathise...
I'll shut the f**k up now...
Posted By: Martin Peters, Nov 5, 11:30:43
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