idiots in the first place.
Let alone their s**t covered arm swinging around in your f**king face, holding up an obnoxious piece of s**t phone, like some kind of spastic Steven Spielberg. All for the sole purpose of recording a f**king terrible video that nobody wants to see anyway. Personally, I can’t think of anything much worse than awkwardly sitting somewhere being prompted to watch some bastard with a mobile phone demonstrate the terrible videos he’s recorded. It bores me to tears.
They know what the band is called, they probably have their records at home.
If they’re enough of a fan to attend their show, and want to make an ad-hock miniature production of their live performances. Why not just listen to the original songs later if they’re so desperate?
Instead of attempting to relive a moment they never actually witnessed in the first f**king place, because they were prospectively failing to enjoy a pixilated second hand version of what is right f**king in front of them.
How many times, upon returning from a show, has someone said to you:
“You didn’t happen to make a really awful warbly recording of it did you?”
“I’d really like to see a pixelated silhouette of a crowd of people and an intensely lit stage accompanied by heavily distorted low end audio, that would be great”
I have taken it upon myself to administer discipline at concerts now. If anyone in front of me obstructs my view, the view I’ve paid for, with their piece of s**t phone. I reach out gently, grip their arm with a deliberate air of forcefulness and slowly lower it to their side. I have done this several times in the past and have yet to even be questioned.
They all know it’s not really acceptable, and there isn’t really a point. They all know that they’re being a f**king stupid c**t when they’re doing it, and that is why nobody will ever question you administration of discipline.
They might as well just hold up a big neon sign that reads ‘I’m a f**king moron, spit on my back’.
I mean, it’s bad enough that there seems to be an entire army of people who deem it necessary to take the same picture a dozen times from the one angle they’ve been stood at the whole time. But. at least their ignorance is swift by comparison.
The main issue I have, is that even the professional photographers f**k off after the first three songs, out of respect for the performers.
Photographers, who have invested a great deal of money in buying the necessary equipment to take a half decent picture in the unusual lighting conditions. Photographers, who are paid to be there and have honed their skills to make a career from doing so.
Photographers who have the access to do a good job, and don’t get in anyone else’s way.
But you ignorant, pathetic, unskilled, uppity, iPad wrangling w**kers think that you’re some kind of superstar with your s**tty handheld device?
You pieces of s**t!
Why don’t you all just f**k off and die.
Posted By: Worzel Scrimmage, Oct 18, 17:37:34
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2024