NBTTT: my little rant from last night
So yeah, I should have just kept my f**king mouth shut, which has been my policy for f**king ages. Wish I could do a take back, but there we are. At the end of the day, who cares though? It's just me being a t**t on the internet, which means I should blend in pretty well with the army of other t**ts on the internet.
That said (and I already know nobody will), if you can spare a couple of hours, I'd really encourage you to listen to this.
User Posted Link
It's a long interview with Gary Stevenson, author of a best selling book, ex trader and now inequality campaigner. Fair warning its long, and there are bits you might want to skip. It also has a clickbait title about bitcoin, but really its not about that at all, its about his life and world view.
Honestly, I think this is the best unifying analysis of what the f**k is going on these days, and why things are feeling quite f**ked, how we are all barking up the wrong tree, and how its going to get much worse. It's not about there being too many foreigners here now. It's perfectly simple...inequality.
Regardless of what you believe....whether you're left, right, anti immigrant, a free marketeer, anti-woke, a die hard soclialist, an idealist, a pragmatist.....give it a listen. If you can't make it through all of it, just do these bits.
1:02:30 Elon and politics
1:08:00 Wealth is being transferred from the ordinary to the rich
1:21:30 Inequality
Maybe it's time that everyone had a think about things, rather than just picking a side in the woke war and ranting. Or not, that's the other option.
Posted By: Under soil heating on February 20th 2025 at 14:02:15
Message Thread
- NBTTT: my little rant from last night (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Feb 20, 14:02:15
- Well you certainly brought out the morons. (General Chat) - Snakepit Divorcee, Feb 20, 20:34:40
- Mega thumbs up to that! (n/m) (General Chat) - footymadman, Feb 20, 19:05:07
- fancy investing in a mobile beverage business? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Feb 20, 18:26:23
- Gis a job 😉 (n/m) (General Chat) - littletinyphil, Feb 20, 18:14:34
- Lend us a tenner (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Feb 20, 16:23:25
- I'm not giving a scruffy oik like you a tenner (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Feb 20, 16:45:27
- Haha (General Chat) - SCC 28, Feb 20, 16:28:25
- You've learnt everything you know from me (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Feb 20, 21:24:06
- sometimes its best not to worry about ... (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Feb 20, 15:25:38
- How (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Feb 20, 16:47:34
- Football message board is definitely the correct forum for it. (n/m) (General Chat) - Brom, Feb 20, 15:21:55
- Brom knew (n/m) (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Feb 20, 15:57:31
- If you really want to feel depressed about what's going on (General Chat) - Kev, Feb 20, 14:28:57
- I have read that (General Chat) - APB, Feb 20, 16:13:04
- It’s all gone to s*** we know. Be nice if this forum was an escape from it (n/m) (General Chat) - IG88, Feb 20, 14:15:01
- Are you significantly richer than USAC though? (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Feb 20, 14:05:51
- No. Probably only Musk can say that. (n/m) (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Feb 20, 14:27:35
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