in science news, boffins in finland have made "coffee" in the laboratory
artificial coffee User Posted Link
which is great news for coffee drinkers, not so much great news for coffee growers/blenders etc, but good news for the planet. and if we all have to decant to mars after ballsing this planet up then at least we can at least enjoy a nice cup of coffee on mars but we'd probably have to enjoy it in subterranien complexes. so, erm. yeah. all a bit grim really. thanks finland.
Posted By: Tombs on February 13th 2025 at 14:57:31
Message Thread
- in science news, boffins in finland have made "coffee" in the laboratory (General Chat) - Tombs, Feb 13, 14:57:31
- Climate change coming for it in the wild! (n/m) (General Chat) - trafford_canary, Feb 13, 16:08:34
- Climate change (General Chat) - Blueandeasy, Feb 13, 19:36:48
- Might need to go to Mars to find jobs (General Chat) - SCC 28, Feb 13, 15:44:47
- that's a looooooong way off (General Chat) - Tombs, Feb 13, 16:52:35
- 4 years until AI as clever as us… (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Feb 13, 17:00:32
- we haven't even got enough skilled people to do that (General Chat) - Tombs, Feb 13, 18:25:15
- Mikey dont fool yourself.....It passed you 17 years ago..... (n/m) (General Chat) - usacanary, Feb 13, 17:36:53
- 4 years until AI as clever as us… (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Feb 13, 17:00:32
- that's a looooooong way off (General Chat) - Tombs, Feb 13, 16:52:35
- Climate change coming for it in the wild! (n/m) (General Chat) - trafford_canary, Feb 13, 16:08:34
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