Due to the hazards of on street parking making UK roads death traps
I often cycle on footpaths which are wider than the room on a 2 way road.
Someone walking their dogs, spread eagled either side of the path like they were Michonne from the walking dead. Obviously couldn't ne arsed to train their pets. Such is life with some unplseasant people out.
Disgusting humans
Awful people everywhere it seems
They quip "what's wrong with the road?"
I've spent years ignoring crap like this.
I retorted "whatever" bringing back 2003!!!!!
Felt quite good actually.
Might Chris Morris it next time and shout Baltimora, make it confusing.
Posted By: Lentil Weaver on February 12th 2025 at 10:21:04
Message Thread
- Just whatever'd someone on the old penny farthing (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Feb 12, 08:54:54
- Due to the hazards of on street parking making UK roads death traps (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Feb 12, 10:21:04
- Why on earth are you on the footpath on a bike? (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, Feb 12, 18:11:09
- Cos manslaughtering drivers are good to be avoided where possible (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Feb 12, 22:11:31
- Rule 64 of the highway code (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Feb 12, 11:29:05
- When doing a paper round in darlingotn I got told off by a copper for cycling on a (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 12, 12:55:47
- lol (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Feb 12, 15:52:22
- When doing a paper round in darlingotn I got told off by a copper for cycling on a (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 12, 12:55:47
- Why on earth are you on the footpath on a bike? (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, Feb 12, 18:11:09
- Due to the hazards of on street parking making UK roads death traps (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Feb 12, 10:21:04
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