The Secret Diary of BWOD aged 49ΒΎ

Dad says I need to get over Daniel and stop moping in my bedroom drawing hearts all over the sleeves of my replica Parka. He said Daniel has a bald patch and anyway is now living with that northern slapper Lee D so I have to forget him.

He and Mum have had a chat and they think I need to get out into the City more, so they've booked me a hair appointment and then some clothes shopping. I know they mean well but HONESTLY! I'm going to go along with it though because it'll make a change.


Well. What a day. I came out of the Egg Salon with lovely swishy shiny hair and feeling great, then Dad said he wanted some new jeans so would I mind popping into Elements? It's not really my sort of place but I thought I might as well and then ... there he was ...

We just chatted for hours, it was all so natural and easy. We just totally clicked about everything - happy clappers and bedwetters and Daniel and That Awful Dean Smith and Jacob's eyelashes and even Borja's side parting. I haven't felt like this since Daniel left, not even when the Hoff gave me his Special Smile (the one just for me after we score).

Could this be ...?

Posted By: Old Git on February 7th 2025 at 14:25:55

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