Yes, very much this

They've transitioned from "we'll show them how it's done" to "oh, so that's what it's actually all about, then" quite fast haven't they.

They've overspent on what is an excellent Champs squad with which to have a free hit in the Prem. Looks like the free hit isn't working out for them. They'll be very well placed next season to give the Champs a good go. They'll hit problems if they don't go up of course, if they think there are guarantees they'll learn different. It's still decent strategy viewed over multiple seasons.

A different model is just to upgrade, say, the spine, one actual Prem quality player at each level of that, and run good Champs players everywhere else. Problem then being that when you go down the actual Prem players all bugger off. But that might be enough quality to just about nibble over the line, you only need to be better than Wolves or Everton. Each expensive bet you're taking at that point really matters though, you can probably cope with one bad one but not two.

We've been explicit that we're running a multi-season strategy; I suspect they are too but are being coy about saying so out loud. Either way it's the only game in town these days, what we did - go up from League One to Champs to Prem and stay a few seasons - is probably literally impossible these days. Even Leeds with all their resources are basically a yo yo club like we were and aspire once more to be these days.

Posted By: Old Man on February 2nd 2025 at 11:54:47

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