It will calm down in a couple of weeks
Once Trump is in and not much changes and/or things start to go wrong, Trump and Eton Mess will be busy trying to justify why, or trying to prove that it hasn't. I expect that's when Eton Mess will start to fade away. He wants to be President, so doesn't want to be associated too closely with a failing Trump.
He's already arguing with big Nige.
Trump loves the limelight and money, but politically, the worst thing for him is power and responsibility. That's when it falls apart. It's going to be a good watch.
Posted By: Jazzy on January 5th 2025 at 16:34:21
Message Thread
- The next 5 years is going to be rough (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Jan 5, 16:07:31
- Pants.go on YouTube and go flesh simulator site.there are some very (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jan 5, 16:47:48
- It will calm down in a couple of weeks (General Chat) - Jazzy, Jan 5, 16:34:21
- Freedom to the Muzzled Wrathers....! (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Jan 5, 16:26:34
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