Yeah seems it’s allowed but he hasn’t

Also illegal to be called Adolf Hitler

Should English fans research Hutter’s work, they will find that his birth name is Adolf - something the 53-year-old realises will cause interest and surprise, as it initially did when he first moved to Germany.

“The brother of my father was 27 and he and his wife went on vacation in the mountains and they were buried by a stone avalanche,” Hutter explains. “Both of them died and his name was Adolf, and this is the story of my name.

“My grandmother was so sad and she said to my parents that she would like for another child in the family to be named after my uncle and then I came. I didn’t know my uncle at all because he died.

“My mother said, ‘OK, he [my father] did a favour for my grandmother, but I call my son Adi’. Everyone has always called me Adi, nobody ever says Adolf. I wish I had another name and I asked my parents why they accepted this, but Adi is OK. I told this story in Germany on the radio as well and afterwards nobody had a problem.”

Posted By: SCC 28 on January 4th 2025 at 20:33:17

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