fair enough, still not a whoosh though.

i did feel it came across like some people do on here when there's too much focus on the scum away from derby day, but didnt want to assume that with yourself.

yeah f**k the textbooks, agreed there. they do get a bit one note sometimes.

other than a couple of posts mocking man u, noone was discussing the other games so OF basically did cover that lot.

agreed regarding rebranding the 'spare' corona category though.

does the scum filter actually work? i asked this the other day (to no reply) and i guessed that one does actually require ben to keep it topped up. our regulars are obvious with a couple showing up tonight. hunstanton harry must be too pissed to type.

not agreed regarding the not caring about them. i do care. i thoroughly enjoy seeing them go through the same motions that they mocked us for time & time again over the last couple of decades. f**k them. and by f**k them i mean show up to laugh at them at every opportunity and not to turn the other cheek & ignore them. proper sad c**ts like yuller69 still logged in this very minute to chip back with some inane bulls**t where he sees fit - just checked he's finally f**ked off again, just you, me & pants again. as ive explained on here before, growing up where i did, surrounded by those dickheads, not being able to escapt them in any aspect of my life, that builds resentment & bitterness that fuels me to this day. anger is an energy and i do not shy away from that, i use it. f**k those c**ts, they had it coming.

Posted By: DJ Ginga on December 31st 2024 at 01:40:00

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