If any wrather does know a landlord that has a one bedrrom flat up to £700 a month..
please tell me. I've been here for over 10 years never missed a payment, just this road is getting me down.
There's been a knife fight and the police have been round asking if I've seen anything. I've been listening to my music with headphones on but so used to all the screams etc, I ignore it. Done that before, got punched too many times trying to help out.
Tiny garden and a one bedroom place will do me. Just incase anyone knows anyone whos knows anyone and all that. x
Posted By: DrDublin on August 23rd 2024 at 23:05:01
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- If any wrather does know a landlord that has a one bedrrom flat up to £700 a month.. (General Chat) - DrDublin, Aug 23, 23:05:01
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