Well said!! It seems to me that the 'woke' gets used when
the person using it has nothing of substance to back up their view/argument as the penny funally drops for them that the opposing view comes from a point of kindness and compassion. When they realise what they are faced with - it's a simple way to try and label and dehumanise the opposing view point and deflect any thoughts of self-reflection. Norwich is built on immigration, our football club's colours and nickname reflect that.
Posted By: Mozzer on August 6th 2024 at 07:25:38
Message Thread
- Will there be riots in Norwich...... (General Chat) - usacanary, Aug 5, 22:30:55
- Depends if dumb fucks want to go to jail (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Aug 5, 22:33:46
- Norwich is to woke... (n/m) (General Chat) - ParrotPuncher, Aug 5, 22:59:46
- Oh dear. That really is an error which magnifies your ignorance. (n/m) (General Chat) - MonkeyPuzzle, Aug 6, 06:40:09
- I know you mean “too” but we’ll gloss over that. So you think Norwich is too woke (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 5, 23:41:45
- Well said!! It seems to me that the 'woke' gets used when (General Chat) - Mozzer, Aug 6, 07:25:38
- Do you think about things you post before you post them? (General Chat) - TheGrump, Aug 5, 23:36:38
- Too woke to destroy itself? (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Aug 5, 23:00:30
- Norwich is to woke... (n/m) (General Chat) - ParrotPuncher, Aug 5, 22:59:46
- Depends if dumb fucks want to go to jail (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Aug 5, 22:33:46
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