NBTTT - Seine Triathlon swim
The city of Paris has spent ¢1.5b on improving the water quality for the Olympic games and it might all be for nothing.
If I were a taxpayer, I'd be pretty miffed.
You have to feel sorry for the Triathletes who will have been on a multi-week program to taper just in time for the race tomorrow.
Posted By: Kev on July 29th 2024 at 16:59:08
Message Thread
- NBTTT - Seine Triathlon swim (General Chat) - Kev, Jul 29, 16:59:08
- Duathlon a completely different discipline, they should have had a contingency venue. (n/m) (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Jul 29, 17:04:02
- It’ll still be a triathlon (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 29, 19:19:16
- Duathlon a completely different discipline, they should have had a contingency venue. (n/m) (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Jul 29, 17:04:02
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