The rise of the far right has scared the s**t out of me ever since my house mate

moved in and I saw him watching Rebel Media constantly on youtube.

Brainwashing was only islamist terrorists to the world.
Except the wolves in sheeps clothing were in plain sight. Trump telling America everything is fake news.

Cars ploughing down streets in Charlottesville and Trump says there were bad people on both sides that day.

Jo Cox dies because of somebody watching bulls**t on youtube.

Farage et all spotting the same opportunity and feeding s**te to the masses and they lap it up because all they heard was "our lads fought for this in WW2", or they have a flag waving claiming England's freedom was built on England only (even though minorities fought in WWI and WWII, but were just chucked in one mass grave with no respect for what they fought for).

Too many bastards have dragged too much baggage from the past around to rally people.

Far right parties or right minded parties are not representitive of the people. They represent themselves. Their policies represent themselves.

It stops now.

Whoever wins on Thursday are not perfect and a lot doesn't change. But at least it ends the oppression of millions of people. Millions of people they never gave a s**t about. If the new government give 1% of a s**t about you then at least it's a f**king start

Posted By: Lentil Weaver on July 3rd 2024 at 02:10:21

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