Well we're expecting a new broom, and moving Kenny on would scream "new broom"

as we've relied a lot on him last term.

One version of the future would be to retain Kenny, Sara, Nunez, Sarge, Sainz and move others on round those positions. That would be "same, but better".

Instead if we move at least one and probably more of those on it's more consistent with "whole new way of doing things", which will ultimately be better (we hope).

In this latter case we need to accept that next season might not be our very best as we'll be bedding in a lot of new people and a new footballing philosophy. We'll still give it a go of course but it might be the season after that we really start to see a new approach bearing fruit.

Posted By: Old Man on July 2nd 2024 at 19:10:54

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