Have a look at Twitter or the socials

There have been clips linked on here including the one with the inflatable Spitfire. I believe those clips were observed with disgust by the majority of wrathers.
I’m not daft enough to believe that all England fans are racist or stupid, but there are enough who are, to make me think that I would never want to travel with the national team, because of the percentage of those who are and for fear of being associated with them.
Football is a game. Sport should be a common means of uniting people from all around the world. It has become weaponised by those who don’t understand what people fought for in two world wars.
I despair when I see feckless idiots referencing two world wars and one World Cup as if those events are linked in any way.
If you want to encourage or support hatred of Germans or French or Spanish or whatever, that is your prerogative, but it insults and degrades our nation and all that people lost their lives for.

Posted By: MonkeyPuzzle on July 1st 2024 at 10:31:38

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