I thought there was, BUT
they would still be able to attack decisions on the basis of reasonableness/irrationality because otherwise what would stop 14 clubs voting to dock Man City 30 points each season?
I have a hard time seeing what is fundamentally unreasonable about either of the two things they seem to be attacking though. Feels like a Hail Mary because they know what is coming in October?
Posted By: CWC on June 5th 2024 at 14:08:59
Message Thread
- Citeh court case (Other Football) - Old Man, Jun 5, 10:17:10
- I had understood there was a rule that members of the premier league cannot launch legal (Other Football) - Jim, Jun 5, 12:17:47
- I thought there was, BUT (Other Football) - CWC, Jun 5, 14:08:59
- It's "The tyranny of the majority". Apparently. (n/m) (Other Football) - Captain Bligh, Jun 5, 11:38:49
- Just expel them from the league (n/m) (Other Football) - jamesward, Jun 5, 10:30:56
- Wouldn't surprise me if they announced they are going to simply buy football. (n/m) (Other Football) - DrDublin, Jun 5, 10:30:02
- Thought they already had 😉 (n/m) (Other Football) - littletinyphil, Jun 5, 10:58:20
- Well, yeah in a way. (n/m) (Other Football) - DrDublin, Jun 5, 11:02:11
- Thought they already had 😉 (n/m) (Other Football) - littletinyphil, Jun 5, 10:58:20
- I had understood there was a rule that members of the premier league cannot launch legal (Other Football) - Jim, Jun 5, 12:17:47
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