Can we abbreviate this to JHT now, just to save time in future?
Posted By: NxNW on May 26th 2024 at 20:21:42
Message Thread
- Thorup on his way (Other Football) - SCC 28, May 26, 19:26:35
- Can we abbreviate this to JHT now, just to save time in future? (n/m) (Other Football) - NxNW, May 26, 20:21:42
- Jess is better (n/m) (Other Football) - SCC 28, May 26, 20:28:03
- yeah he was number 1 choice fairly early apparently (n/m) (Other Football) - fal5taff, May 26, 20:16:19
- Michael Essien as assistant coming too? (n/m) (Other Football) - Trent_Canary, May 26, 20:11:09
- Which one? (n/m) (Other Football) - footymadman, May 26, 20:04:29
- Just seen him on Cromer beach (Other Football) - Trent_Canary, May 26, 19:38:37
- Good news (Other Football) - Vrannncic, May 26, 19:38:01
- Imagine appointing someone who isn't your mate or has just been sacked. (n/m) (Other Football) - norwaay, May 26, 19:35:44
- First manager we've had who looks like a Bond villain? (n/m) (Other Football) - MonkeyPuzzle, May 26, 19:30:10
- Glenn Roeder could've been a Bond villain (n/m) (Other Football) - inutero, May 26, 19:55:36
- Ah Mr Bond, i must have missed your tenure as England manager (n/m) (Other Football) - Ben, May 26, 20:01:43
- Glenn Roeder could've been a Bond villain (n/m) (Other Football) - inutero, May 26, 19:55:36
- lol skybet just closed the market - was 4/6 few mins ago (n/m) (Other Football) - SCC 28, May 26, 19:27:29
- Can we abbreviate this to JHT now, just to save time in future? (n/m) (Other Football) - NxNW, May 26, 20:21:42
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