The Pink Un have run an interview with Will Still's old boss at Reims
but instead of using an actual translator, they've put it through Google or something and it's simply not how anyone actually speaks in real life.
User Posted Link
"Following this interview, which was carried out in complete serenity, we came to the conclusion that we had to know how to stop the story and everyone was very fair on their part.
“Economically, it was a whitewash for everyone which allowed them to part ways with good friends, which will allow them to focus on another project, which I sincerely hope for them."
Posted By: norwaay on May 25th 2024 at 20:09:59
Message Thread
- The Pink Un have run an interview with Will Still's old boss at Reims (NCFC) - norwaay, May 25, 20:09:59
- Irritating level of churn it out articles on the pinkun (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, May 25, 20:55:15
- Maybe he's data driven 👌 (n/m) (NCFC) - paulg, May 25, 20:35:47
- I thought that. No clearer why he left (n/m) (NCFC) - forzancfc, May 25, 20:19:07
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