Puoi dirlo in inglese, per favore? Non parlo la tua lingua
Posted By: Boyer on May 23rd 2024 at 11:23:33
Message Thread
- Oh god, I'd forgotten we're going to have six weeks of the BBC (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 08:34:41
- Ireland v Scotland cricket on YouTube. 👍 (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 23, 10:13:51
- are the champagne socialists are out all ready (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, May 23, 08:52:26
- Puoi dirlo in inglese, per favore? Non parlo la tua lingua (n/m) (General Chat) - Boyer, May 23, 11:23:33
- You’re (n/m) (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 23, 10:43:36
- It could be argued that I am one, although I don’t really like champagne (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 23, 10:43:09
- Irony overload (n/m) (General Chat) - norwaay, May 23, 09:45:14
- You appear to have replied to a different post to the one I wrote (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 09:02:20
- is that all you've got (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, May 23, 09:05:02
- I'll try again then (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 09:06:49
- is that all you've got (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, May 23, 09:05:02
- Now say the same thing (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 23, 08:56:37
- Should he be allowed to vote? (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 09:03:43
- Clearly not tbf (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 23, 09:07:27
- lol (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, May 23, 08:58:10
- Should he be allowed to vote? (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 09:03:43
- Nick Robinson started today by saying "good election morning" (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, May 23, 08:41:38
- A good erection morning for Nicky (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 08:47:54
- Morning Star Glory (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, May 23, 09:16:22
- A good erection morning for Nicky (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 23, 08:47:54
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