Trivia Quiz..... Usual Rules - Namely
No Googling and Answers in the Message Body Please....
May as well try to take peoples minds of General Elections and East Anglian Football Managers
Answers and Scores at 9.00
1) At the time of the last General Election (Dec 2019) who was the Lib Dem leader?
2) Illusionist Stephen Frayne is better known by what name?
3) Who was the only member of the 'Dad's Army' cast to actually be in the Home Guard during WW2.
4) By what name is Prussic Acid alternately known?
5) What was Dr Johnson referring to when he said 'In England it is given to horses, but in Scotland it supports the people'?
6) Which bird has the biggest wingspan - 12ft either wing?
7) In which Children's Book are the 4 main characters John, Susan Roger and Titty Walker (yes you read that correctly)?
8) Ron & Russell Mael - Which Group?
9) Reality TV Show 'Snakes in the City' is predominantly set in which South African City?
10) Dick Whittington may have become Lord Mayor of London, but from which - relatively - rural county did he originate?
Good Luck All
Posted By: Saucerer on May 22nd 2024 at 19:10:19
Message Thread
- Trivia Quiz..... Usual Rules - Namely (General Chat) - Saucerer, May 22, 19:10:19
- Quiz Answers - Sorry they are late.... (General Chat) - Saucerer, May 22, 22:15:38
- 9 = Durban not Urban, though the Snakes are in Urban Durban I guess.... (n/m) (General Chat) - Saucerer, May 22, 22:16:47
- I nearly put Durban but didn't wanna guess (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, May 22, 22:28:58
- 9 = Durban not Urban, though the Snakes are in Urban Durban I guess.... (n/m) (General Chat) - Saucerer, May 22, 22:16:47
- Can I have a sweetie? (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, May 22, 20:24:34
- ... (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 22, 19:47:30
- Do your worse... (General Chat) - The Gaffer, May 22, 19:41:50
- it's the taking part that counts... cheers sorcey (General Chat) - Tombs, May 22, 19:25:59
- Boom (General Chat) - Cardiff Canary, May 22, 19:20:15
- Hair goo (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, May 22, 19:19:52
- .. (General Chat) - CB41, May 22, 19:13:45
- Quiz Answers - Sorry they are late.... (General Chat) - Saucerer, May 22, 22:15:38
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