There's 2 similar instances of SvH that I saw which made me thing he's maybe not up to it
1st time the ball was going down the middle channel, rather than get in the box to receive the cross, he ran alongside Sara I think, who would have crossed it in for him
2nd time was not anticipating receiving a flick on in the final 3rd. One of our midfield players went up for a header who would have glanced the ball forward into space for SvH to receive, but Svh didn't realise this and also went up for the same header!
Just simple stuff.
Posted By: Trent_Canary on May 18th 2024 at 09:45:16
Message Thread
- SvH .. Stats (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 18, 09:31:35
- Harry Kane (Other Football) - Eric Morecambe, May 18, 13:22:08
- I'm surprised it's as many as 135 mins (Other Football) - usacanary, May 18, 12:30:34
- Any assists? (n/m) (Other Football) - footymadman, May 18, 12:14:16
- Forming an opinion does not require a set period of time (Other Football) - Henclrikus, May 18, 10:50:07
- Their is a certain amount of truth in that but…., (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 18, 13:06:36
- You’d have said the same of Stiepermann and others ? (n/m) (Other Football) - loz, May 18, 10:57:57
- When Siepermamn first played it was at left back (Other Football) - Trent_Canary, May 18, 11:13:32
- We dont play his type of football.. (Other Football) - Lager top, May 18, 10:47:31
- It’s pretty much impossible to fairly judge him from what we have seen… (Other Football) - loz, May 18, 10:00:13
- I think he is victim of looking a bit shit in training (Other Football) - Knitted Jesus, May 18, 10:26:09
- There's 2 similar instances of SvH that I saw which made me thing he's maybe not up to it (Other Football) - Trent_Canary, May 18, 09:45:16
- Impact sub (Other Football) - Cardiff Canary, May 18, 09:33:16
- Lack of impact sub? (n/m) (Other Football) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 18, 10:03:49
- It's a niche (Other Football) - Cardiff Canary, May 18, 10:31:08
- interesting point ... (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 18, 09:40:22
- Semi in jest - but yeah some serious points... (Other Football) - Cardiff Canary, May 18, 09:59:36
- As opposed to starting at the end! (n/m) (Other Football) - neilo, May 18, 09:59:01
- Lack of impact sub? (n/m) (Other Football) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 18, 10:03:49
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