so is the point that Dean Smith wasnt?
Posted By: KevinBond on May 17th 2024 at 15:57:34
Message Thread
- Wagner was a decent bloke...yeah we know no need to repeat ad nauseam everyone (n/m) (NCFC) - KevinBond, May 17, 15:22:26
- He looked like he was into some rum 'ol pornographers imho (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, May 17, 18:22:50
- He’s not dead (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, May 17, 16:08:17
- He's just sleeping... (n/m) (NCFC) - Men without hats, May 17, 17:58:49
- Curious how they know he’s a decent bloke? (NCFC) - littletinyphil, May 17, 15:34:49
- Unfortunately the decent bloke had a recent choke (n/m) (NCFC) - MonkeyPuzzle, May 17, 15:33:27
- I think what you're missing here KB is that (NCFC) - Under soil heating, May 17, 15:26:40
- so is the point that Dean Smith wasnt? (n/m) (NCFC) - KevinBond, May 17, 15:57:34
- Sorry Me bit Fick! (n/m) (NCFC) - KevinBond, May 17, 15:58:03
- so is the point that Dean Smith wasnt? (n/m) (NCFC) - KevinBond, May 17, 15:57:34
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