Rosenior would be a Dean Smith esque appointment
In that if we had a plan, we’ve quickly shifted because he’s available.
Posted By: lurd on May 17th 2024 at 13:55:37
Message Thread
- Not sure if this has been posted before (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, May 17, 13:48:49
- Telegraph sayings it’s not Cuesta. Suggests Rosenior (NCFC) - Allen, May 17, 13:51:43
- The telegraph says we will conscripting people for ww3. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 17, 14:00:36
- The sport part is ok - the rest lunatics (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, May 17, 14:25:44
- Can we resign wagner.... fucking rosenior jesus christ (n/m) (NCFC) - ParrotPuncher, May 17, 13:58:38
- Would seem a very like-for-like swap (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, May 17, 14:07:33
- Blub blub blub 😢😢😢 (n/m) (NCFC) - Boyer, May 17, 14:01:57
- It's not the exciting football loz has said knapper demands (NCFC) - ParrotPuncher, May 17, 14:06:33
- Rosenior would be a Dean Smith esque appointment (NCFC) - lurd, May 17, 13:55:37
- The telegraph haven't suggested we're interested in rosenior at all (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, May 17, 13:59:31
- Dean Smith esque results too (n/m) (NCFC) - Allen, May 17, 13:59:12
- It does feel that way. (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, May 17, 13:58:26
- Didn't they say "could emerge as an option" for Rosenior? (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, May 17, 13:55:22
- ... (NCFC) - norwaay, May 17, 13:54:35
- The telegraph says we will conscripting people for ww3. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 17, 14:00:36
- Telegraph sayings it’s not Cuesta. Suggests Rosenior (NCFC) - Allen, May 17, 13:51:43
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