But having said that, as the missus and I discussed....
BoB had a very powerful segment which was the real people talking at the end of each episodes about the events it had portrayed. So we had a real connection to them. And at the end of the season, they revealed who they all were (which was obvious for some but not others).
By the time of the Pacific, not as many were alive, so they saved it for the end.That was less of a connection.
And then by the time of Masters of the Air they were all dead of course, and so the separate documentary released on the same day as the season finale was great, but of course didn't really give the same close connection.
I think that's part of why BoB was so much more powerful.
Posted By: Legacy Fan on May 16th 2024 at 22:54:51
Message Thread
- band of brothers on sky atlantic hd right now: carentan (General Chat) - Tombs, May 16, 22:32:41
- Excellent series. I re-watched it and the Pacific recently before watching Masters of the (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 22:40:40
- bizzarely first watched it in south iraq march 2003 (General Chat) - Tombs, May 16, 22:55:01
- BOB > Pacific > Masters. All three great, though. (n/m) (General Chat) - AstroCanary, May 16, 22:42:46
- Agree with that (n/m) (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 22:50:16
- But having said that, as the missus and I discussed.... (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 22:54:51
- Yeah possibly. But I also think it was just better. (General Chat) - AstroCanary, May 16, 23:02:29
- But having said that, as the missus and I discussed.... (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 22:54:51
- Agree with that (n/m) (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 22:50:16
- Excellent series. I re-watched it and the Pacific recently before watching Masters of the (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 22:40:40
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