I'm in the city at Holbeck Park, dressed in plain clothes. I'm trailing behind a sizable group of Leeds fans, all decked out in Stone Island jumpers and Aquascutum shirts. They're laughing and joking, talking about finding Norwich fans, and ominously mentioning Stanley knives. They specifically said they're searching for someone named "Norwaay," spelled with two a's.
Every time.
Posted By: SenatusAcademicus on May 16th 2024 at 18:57:48
Message Thread
- URGENT APPEAL TO NORWICH FANS IN LEEDS (NCFC) - SenatusAcademicus, May 16, 18:57:48
- Twat ^^^ (n/m) (NCFC) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 19:02:57
- Actually (NCFC) - Winged Eel Creosote, May 16, 19:06:02
- I'm really very sorry. (NCFC) - SenatusAcademicus, May 16, 19:10:51
- no fun to be had talking about Leeds with knives. (NCFC) - shoddy, May 16, 19:16:35
- Thanks mate, comedy should always overstep the line society draws... (NCFC) - SenatusAcademicus, May 16, 19:18:12
- Yeh but you got owned by the King....... (NCFC) - usacanary, May 16, 19:13:58
- Two kings, different playgrounds. (NCFC) - SenatusAcademicus, May 16, 19:16:45
- no fun to be had talking about Leeds with knives. (NCFC) - shoddy, May 16, 19:16:35
- I'm really very sorry. (NCFC) - SenatusAcademicus, May 16, 19:10:51
- Actually (NCFC) - Winged Eel Creosote, May 16, 19:06:02
- Twat ^^^ (n/m) (NCFC) - Legacy Fan, May 16, 19:02:57
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