I can't argue with that tbf.
Posted By: protheroe fitzgibbon on May 14th 2024 at 15:52:25
Message Thread
- "dumpster" ffs... (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 13:45:50
- Where’s your bin (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, May 14, 20:16:34
- i bin watching tv (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 20:22:45
- Wait till the US owners change the name to the..... (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:17:37
- The Norfolk Mustardmen (n/m) (General Chat) - watfordcanary, May 14, 16:06:25
- The 60,000 seat new stadium could be the Crescent Capital Group Yellow Astrobeaverdome (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 17:29:56
- "g'day mate" (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 19:38:08
- easy mistake to make tbf, also chock full of dickheads (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 20:13:13
- Those pigs fields: the farmer has been paid a billion pounds NOT to have pigs there. (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 14, 19:30:38
- i read about that, madness. not madness really it is a scheme to build more fucking house (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 19:43:32
- "g'day mate" (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 19:38:08
- The 60,000 seat new stadium could be the Crescent Capital Group Yellow Astrobeaverdome (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 17:29:56
- I'll just fire a nuclear missile into the earth's core to stop time. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 14, 15:44:44
- You guys are Jelly Haterz because we have the weiner mobile (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:50:43
- Yeah but in the Uk you would’ve driven a Outspan car, because you’re seedless😉 (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 14, 15:54:10
- I can't argue with that tbf. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 14, 15:52:25
- You guys are Jelly Haterz because we have the weiner mobile (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:50:43
- An old school friend of mine is called Simon Eagle and he’s bald. Fact (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 14, 15:34:21
- all premier league referees are legally obligated to be bald FACT (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 17:04:14
- "...and VAR clearly showing the encroachment of hair on his cranial area (General Chat) - Old Man, May 14, 18:36:42
- all premier league referees are legally obligated to be bald FACT (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, May 14, 17:04:14
- Cool Beans (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, May 14, 15:23:24
- The Norfolk Mustardmen (n/m) (General Chat) - watfordcanary, May 14, 16:06:25
- Haterz gonna Hatez (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:07:13
- Fucking annoying how people keep using yank phrases. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 14, 13:49:25
- It's the way they call cunts motherfuckers when they're all just cunts (General Chat) - LittleMouseWithClogs, May 14, 15:41:20
- Totally agree Mr mouse. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 14, 21:07:21
- Wassssssup motherfuckers?! (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, May 14, 16:00:19
- ^^^^ Hates KFC, McDonalds and Captain America's (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:15:15
- Can I get (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, May 14, 14:49:20
- a whoop whoop (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, May 14, 19:12:54
- some grits and pizza poi for the babyshower? (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, May 14, 15:48:10
- Biscuits and Gravy (n/m) (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:51:52
- Coke and hookers? (n/m) (General Chat) - usacanary, May 14, 15:17:57
- a witness? (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 14, 14:49:48
- It's gotten so bad (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, May 14, 14:44:03
- That's colorful language Proth (n/m) (General Chat) - Wild Edric, May 14, 14:30:03
- Preach (n/m) (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, May 14, 14:09:21
- Its an issue, but don't faucet! (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, May 14, 13:57:07
- Yeah, lame x (n/m) (General Chat) - Nelsons final flanel, May 14, 13:53:33
- Sure is partner (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, May 14, 13:52:15
- yeah I'm pissed (n/m) (General Chat) - KevinBond, May 14, 14:31:27
- It's the way they call cunts motherfuckers when they're all just cunts (General Chat) - LittleMouseWithClogs, May 14, 15:41:20
- Where’s your bin (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, May 14, 20:16:34
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