Related to a PixelPun below, how do people find Lebara (Vodafone) reception in Norwich?
I was with BT/EE before and I'm finding the dropouts of data reception in the city centre just horrendous with Vodafone - seriously considering ditching it and going back to EE after just four weeks.
Posted By: Yellalee on May 13th 2024 at 13:12:51
Message Thread
- Related to a PixelPun below, how do people find Lebara (Vodafone) reception in Norwich? (General Chat) - Yellalee, May 13, 13:12:51
- I'm with Lebara now and the reception is crap to be honest. (General Chat) - Men without hats, May 13, 18:02:58
- People moan about coverage...then complain if a mast goes up in their neighborhood... (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, May 13, 15:09:20
- I'll happily have a mast on my roof (General Chat) - jamesward, May 13, 15:34:15
- Someone posted on the local group (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 13, 16:36:01
- because the police steal all of your private data via them (General Chat) - Tombs, May 13, 15:13:05
- lol (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 13, 16:34:10
- What, as well as our smart meters? Tsk (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, May 13, 15:40:37
- You do realise Chernobyl didn't happen and all info is now stored at reactor 3. It's true (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, May 13, 15:57:55
- I'll happily have a mast on my roof (General Chat) - jamesward, May 13, 15:34:15
- EE is pretty much the only service that works reliably in NR4 from my experience (General Chat) - mrleelee, May 13, 14:48:00
- I left Vodafone last year after about 20 years. Terrible in the city centre. (General Chat) - lurd, May 13, 14:26:07
- It's just unbelievably bad in the city. Basically a black spot anywhere around Haymarket (n/m) (General Chat) - Yellalee, May 13, 14:38:26
- Yeah I moved to vodafone and cannot believe how bad it is. (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, May 13, 16:04:48
- It's just unbelievably bad in the city. Basically a black spot anywhere around Haymarket (n/m) (General Chat) - Yellalee, May 13, 14:38:26
- I don't live in Norwich BUT (General Chat) - Charles21, May 13, 14:21:38
- Vodafone is patchy for me too. (General Chat) - Old Man, May 13, 13:26:59
- Was on Vodafone from about 2000-2010 and their reception was poor (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, May 13, 13:33:33
- I used Lebera about 18 months ago (General Chat) - inutero, May 13, 13:23:22
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