My memory is of having some fun discussing it the last time we were in the semi finals
at the expense of the Ipswich fans who flooded the board back then too.
User Posted Link
Posted By: Bravo win or die on May 12th 2024 at 16:21:09
Message Thread
- I was fairly sure that there was no away goals rule in the play offs but still wanted (NCFC) - norwaay, May 12, 16:03:16
- My memory is of having some fun discussing it the last time we were in the semi finals (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, May 12, 16:21:09
- Blimy some prat called 'pants' bandying around the word 'flid' in that discussion (n/m) (NCFC) - Massive_Tiny, May 12, 16:46:40
- Haha - so I probably did know but just keep forgetting (n/m) (NCFC) - norwaay, May 12, 16:23:23
- Wasn't there the away goal rule in 2002 when we were hanging onto a 3-2 aggregate lead? (NCFC) - Massive_Tiny, May 12, 16:08:37
- The second leg was at Wolves (NCFC) - Ben, May 12, 16:21:27
- Apparently not (NCFC) - norwaay, May 12, 16:13:08
- My memory is of having some fun discussing it the last time we were in the semi finals (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, May 12, 16:21:09
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