I can confirm
That about eight(8) rozzers apprehended one overexcited Nodger in the South Stand after the game. Rozzers honestly looked more aggro than the fan. Was well en route to the Red Lion before anything kicked off, if it did, but there was a rozzerchopper and a couple of transits worth driving rapidly towards the ground under blue lights as I walked up the river.
Posted By: Old Man on May 12th 2024 at 16:16:45
Message Thread
- I heard there were scuffles with Leeds outside Barclay.. (NCFC) - Lager top, May 12, 16:12:22
- FFS ....it's only a Game of football (n/m) (NCFC) - MORDENCANARY, May 12, 17:08:42
- I've never been in a scrap in my life. Always had the where with all to stay away from (NCFC) - Lentil Weaver, May 12, 16:58:33
- Seemed (NCFC) - MrSpudhead45, May 12, 16:26:51
- Although (NCFC) - MrSpudhead45, May 12, 18:20:19
- That’s no good! (n/m) (NCFC) - Lager top, May 12, 16:30:17
- Seemed as bland a fixture as the score line (NCFC) - littletinyphil, May 12, 16:21:51
- Yes (NCFC) - BungysPie, May 12, 16:20:54
- Anyone chanting that deserves what they get tbh (NCFC) - Old Man, May 12, 17:08:24
- Impossible (NCFC) - Nelsons final flanel, May 12, 16:17:41
- I can confirm (NCFC) - Old Man, May 12, 16:16:45
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