Amazing views of it in nr5
Posted By: littletinyphil on May 10th 2024 at 23:30:47
Message Thread
- The aurora visible in Norfolk tonight apparently (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 10, 21:59:54
- Just seen it in NR9 (General Chat) - Huge Small, May 11, 00:36:36
- Should be visible tomorrow too (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 11, 00:49:40
- Amazing views of it in nr5 (n/m) (General Chat) - littletinyphil, May 10, 23:30:47
- I'm NR5 and nothing visible (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, May 10, 23:41:50
- You can see it, hold your phone camera up it’ll help (n/m) (General Chat) - littletinyphil, May 10, 23:46:18
- Outside in my pants lol (n/m) (General Chat) - littletinyphil, May 10, 23:46:33
- Take a photo of the sky and becomes visible (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 10, 23:44:22
- You can see it, hold your phone camera up it’ll help (n/m) (General Chat) - littletinyphil, May 10, 23:46:18
- Absolutely seething (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 10, 23:33:21
- I'm NR5 and nothing visible (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, May 10, 23:41:50
- FFS even on the south coast (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 10, 23:30:00
- Got a whiff of the Aroma Biriani outside Bombay Nites in GY (n/m) (General Chat) - MonkeyPuzzle, May 10, 22:49:32
- Come round (n/m) (General Chat) - littletinyphil, May 10, 22:38:45
- Just seen it in NR9 (General Chat) - Huge Small, May 11, 00:36:36
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