"Waaaagh waaaagh, we played negative at Birmingham and I can't get over the fact I don't like Wagner even if we're now doing as well as expected, so I'm not going"
^^^ said nobody
Posted By: Charles21 on May 10th 2024 at 11:25:19
Message Thread
- SOLD OUT (NCFC) - Charles21, May 10, 11:25:19
- stadium expansion please, knapper sort it out. he's done fuck all yet. (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, May 10, 14:03:52
- It would be pretty crazy to think it wouldn't sell out... (n/m) (NCFC) - usacanary, May 10, 12:59:43
- But what glee you would have shown (NCFC) - Chair_of_the_Bored, May 10, 13:58:47
- Huh, that's a strange response. (NCFC) - usacanary, May 10, 15:01:08
- I think some sell backs were bbq related (NCFC) - MonkeyPuzzle, May 10, 13:55:57
- But what glee you would have shown (NCFC) - Chair_of_the_Bored, May 10, 13:58:47
- lets hope everyone is the same mood they were for the scum game, and decides to support (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, May 10, 12:42:37
- Why would they not support? (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, May 10, 13:42:44
- When you're in the ground you can hear the difference in the atmosphere between watching (NCFC) - megson, May 10, 15:59:30
- Because we go 3-0 down after 10 minutes (n/m) (NCFC) - Charles21, May 10, 13:49:43
- Better than losing on pens I suppose (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, May 10, 13:54:06
- Why would they not support? (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, May 10, 13:42:44
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