The criminal aspect to the show...
makes her character seem a lot scarier, at some points a bit sinister, than it would have done absent that.
I think she has grounds to be annoyed about it, given it purports to be real. Seems from the written interviews that I've seen that it captures her character quite well...but guess we'll see more later (or those that watch Piers Morgan later will, at least).
Posted By: SimonOTBC on May 9th 2024 at 16:28:11
Message Thread
- Piers Morgan to interview the real life Martha. Cracking idea which can only end well. (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Man, May 9, 16:04:16
- I’m surprised the BBC were involved in making the show (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 9, 16:18:26
- It was BBC studios wasn't it? Raking it in. (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, May 9, 21:55:51
- Having now watched baby reindeer (General Chat) - Flying_canary, May 9, 16:22:51
- Hope Piers asks if they really did "do it" (n/m) (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, May 9, 18:45:12
- Fiona Harvey is either very unwell, a horrible cow or both, judging by her (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, May 9, 18:23:39
- The criminal aspect to the show... (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, May 9, 16:28:11
- I’m surprised the BBC were involved in making the show (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 9, 16:18:26
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