These days, I identify as an inert gas.
Sometimes Argon, but often Radon.
Posted By: tudders on May 7th 2024 at 18:33:20
Message Thread
- I was born male, identify as male, but (General Chat) - Cellophane Flowers, May 7, 14:58:32
- These days, I identify as an inert gas. (General Chat) - tudders, May 7, 18:33:20
- Noble Gases are one of the finest anti-establishment jokes. (n/m) (General Chat) - usacanary, May 7, 23:14:55
- Ha ha (General Chat) - Old Git, May 7, 17:15:35
- An oldie but goldie (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, May 7, 15:31:09
- These days, I identify as an inert gas. (General Chat) - tudders, May 7, 18:33:20
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