Oh mine, what a pair of prats.
Posted By: Garry Brooke on May 5th 2024 at 18:19:50
Message Thread
- frame it and stick it on the mantlepiece of it's life (Other Football) - Tombs, May 5, 17:48:04
- Hahaha, what a load of bollocks! (Other Football) - Garry Brooke, May 5, 17:56:36
- he do come out with some right old shite (Other Football) - Tombs, May 5, 18:04:30
- I'm not quite sure how this has been allowed to happen. (Other Football) - Huge Small, May 5, 18:09:40
- I'd only just seen the first one. (Other Football) - Garry Brooke, May 5, 18:06:54
- haha, i did that with a norwich game once (Other Football) - Tombs, May 5, 18:12:20
- Oh mine, what a pair of prats. (n/m) (Other Football) - Garry Brooke, May 5, 18:19:50
- Noo gang? (n/m) (Other Football) - protheroe fitzgibbon, May 5, 19:33:18
- Oh mine, what a pair of prats. (n/m) (Other Football) - Garry Brooke, May 5, 18:19:50
- haha, i did that with a norwich game once (Other Football) - Tombs, May 5, 18:12:20
- he do come out with some right old shite (Other Football) - Tombs, May 5, 18:04:30
- Hahaha, what a load of bollocks! (Other Football) - Garry Brooke, May 5, 17:56:36
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