We’re having a ‘who can be the most pessimistic’ competition aren’t we? X
Posted By: Nelsons final flanel on May 5th 2024 at 12:07:34
Message Thread
- Leeds fans are more negative than ours on X. Loads saying we’ll do them 3-0 next week. (n/m) (NCFC) - thirsty work, May 5, 11:58:54
- We’re having a ‘who can be the most pessimistic’ competition aren’t we? X (n/m) (NCFC) - Nelsons final flanel, May 5, 12:07:34
- That feels a tricky loop... (n/m) (NCFC) - Cardiff Canary, May 5, 12:26:13
- It’s pretty grim on there. Bit of a free hit for us. I wasn’t expecting us to be top six. (n/m) (NCFC) - thirsty work, May 5, 12:19:15
- 50/50 (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, May 5, 12:05:08
- Toss of a coin. (n/m) (NCFC) - norwaay, May 5, 12:06:06
- We're going to lose! no WE'RE going to lose! No WE ARE GOING TO LOSE! No... (NCFC) - Old Man, May 5, 12:04:24
- lol. any of them saying how they need to get an early lead so our fans turn on the manager (n/m) (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, May 5, 12:02:25
- We’re having a ‘who can be the most pessimistic’ competition aren’t we? X (n/m) (NCFC) - Nelsons final flanel, May 5, 12:07:34
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